If you are interested in receiving the quarterly newsletter from Dr. Pam Russell, LLC., you are in the right place.
You will not get spammed with three newsletters every month. Only one per month, just a different focus. Please note that you can subscribe to one or all three of the newsletters:
PRM (Pamela Russell Ministries) is the Ministry Newsletter and will come. That gives spiritual insight on your walk with the Lord, perspectives on national holidays and encouragement as we go through life. The dates are Jan 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31.
TBC (The Business Center for Excellence) is the Business Development Newsletter that give tips on starting, running and managing your business. Whether you are a sole entrepreneur or a corporation with employees. The dates are February 28/29, May 31, August 31, and November 30.
YVW (Your Vision Writers) is the Individual Development Newsletter that give tips on personal goal setting, job search, interviewing, resume writing and much more information that encourages and uplifts. The dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
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